Converting image format

Converting image format

Converting image format

If you were sent a file or sending a file from an iPhone. The best thing to do is to convert the file into a correct format like jpg or png.

Date: December 16, 2022
Author: Timothy Gentle
Source: Tango

1. Unable to display this file.

If you come across this error which is named image.heic. I would convert the image to a jpg file to make it easier to access plus send to other people.

Unable to display this file.
Click this link to download the app

3. Select Get

Select Get

4. Drop and drop the image into the program.

Drop and drop the image into the program.

5. Make sure JPEG is selected

Select convert after those steps are done.

Make sure JPEG is selected

6. You can now open the image.

You can now open the image.