Sharing Outlook Calendars

Sharing Outlook Calendars

Sharing Outlook Calendars

Creation Date: August 7, 2023
Created By: Johnstone Supply

1. Open Outlook and navigate to Calendars

Open Outlook and navigate to Calendars

2. In Calendars, right-click on the calendar you wish to share.

In Calendars, right-click on the calendar you wish to share.

3. Click "Sharing Permissions..."

4. Click "Add"

5. In the dialog box next to the "Add" button, enter the email address of the user you would like to share your calendar with.

6. Click "Ok"

7. Under Permissions, choose the option that best suites you in terms of the calendar you are sharing. Click "Apply"

8. Click "Ok" and the end user should receive an email allowing them to add your calendar to their desktop Outlook application.